Thursday, September 3, 2009


The most difficult part of any writing project: the introduction. While I would much rather get straight to some normal entries and skip the introduction, I feel it would be rather rude not to introduce myself and my writings in some manner. My name is Terence and I am a high school senior in Buffalo, New York. Seeing that I am not a terribly interesting character, this project is going to focus on sports and the athletes that compete in the aforementioned sports. Living in such a vibrant sports culture is probably the most predominant reason for this journal (I am not entirely keen on the term "blog", or any other lingo that has arisen from recent technological advancements, i.e. noob, pwnage). Given the futile existence of sports franchises in the Western New York area in my life time, some of my commentaries on local sports or national may come off as a bit cynical, but what would sports be if there weren't fans like myself to question and analyze every little thing to an absurd point.

I do not necessarily have a primary focus in mind for this project other than sports in general. But I may still stray off topic if the moment presents itself at certain points. I will try to cover most sports to at least a minor extent. I am interested mainly by college basketball and the National Football League but I will also cover college football, Major League Baseball, the NBA, and some hockey. I may even put myself out there and talk about NASCAR, but don't get your hopes up. My local teams that I scrutinize over will be the Buffalo Bills and Buffalo Sabres. The great thing about this is that there is sure to be plenty of scrutiny to go around for both of these franchises. I follow the NBA generally but focus on the Cleveland Indians in my thoughts on baseball. I enjoy the Buffalo Bulls on the college gridiron and am a diehard fan of the Syracuse Orange and Canisius College Golden Griffins on the hardwood. These are the teams that I will focus on mainly but am going to do my best to provide commentary on the larger picture in all of these sports because, let's face it, the teams that I mentioned do a fair amount of losing and commenting on their woes is sure to become a tired act quite quickly. Therefore, I will do my best to keep things fresh and fun. I digress from my "About Me" rant because frankly, I believe that introductions like this tend to make the author seem very self-centered and I would prefer to stray away from that label.

As far as the upkeep of this endeavor, I cannot promise anything based on the fickle nature of my schedule. I also feel as if I would be doing a small injustice to myself and my prospective audience if I rushed entries just for the sake of getting one done. I want my posts to have a high quality that is worthy of a reader taking time to enjoy. So, my posts will be made semi-regularly but I cannot promise one everyday. I plan on making my posts in one of three formats. The first format being a more lengthy composition focusing on one main topic, such as this entry has been to this point. The second format consisting of several shorter points or observations on different sports happenings. The third format being a list of links to any number of sports articles or other outlets that have me thinking, or that I particularly enjoyed. I am also going to try and establish a few special features that make appearances in some of my posts. The first feature that I am going to try and incorporate into all of my posts is: The Word Of The Day. This feature is as simple as it sounds. I thoroughly enjoy good vocabulary even if I don't always employ its use, so this feature has me excited. I will take a word, simple or complex, and give its definition as displayed on Merriam-Webster Online. I will then proceed to use the word in a sentence pertaining to a relevant story in sports or otherwise. I might as well start this tradition now:

The Word Of The Day: Defunct

Defunct, adj.
no longer living, existing, or functioning

The Jacksonville Jaguars will be a defunct franchise, unless they start selling out games and broadcasting on local television networks.

This is a rather simple feature that I hope readers will enjoy. Lastly, I will be extremely flattered if or when anybody reads this entry and those in the future, but if you in my prospective audience do, I hope I have made it worth your time. I hope that all will enjoy and come back for more of my future musings regarding the wide world of sports. Thanks for reading.


  1. Length is good, but don't try and make it too scientific (use more contractions etc.). Be more personal, and you'll have a great time.

    Great beginning, hope to see more soon because I hate following sports.

  2. I agree with previous anonymous. Enjoy yourself and don't act like it's a college essay.

    Sports is real informal, especially when taking a fan's view and expressing it to others.

    Otherwise, good opening piece. Can't wait to hear the rest.
